Company Profile

USI, Universal Scientific Industrial (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., is a global leader in electronic design and manufacturing as well as a leader in the field of SiP (System-in-Package) technology. With Asteelflash and Hirschmann Car Communication, USI has 30 production and service locations across four continents of Asia, Europe, Americas, and Africa, and offers customer diversified electronic products with D(MS)2 product services: Design, Manufacturing, Miniaturization, Industrial software and hardware Solutions, and material procurement, logistics and maintenance Services. USI is a subsidiary of ASE Technology Holding Co., Ltd. (TWSE: 3711, NYSE: ASX). To learn more, please engage with us on LinkedIn and YouTube.
Company Name Universal Scientific Industrial ( Shanghai ) Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Stock Exchange
Stock Code
Day of Stock Issue Feb. 20, 2012
Headquarter Location No.1558, Zhang Dong Rd., Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201203, China
Registered Capital RMB 2,210,315,689
Chairman Jeffrey Chen
Main Products and Services Provide professional services on design, miniaturization, material procurement, manufacturing, logistics, and maintenance of electronic products such as communication products, consumer electronics products, computer products, storage products, industrial products, medical and automotive electronics.
No. of Employee 23,000+
Area of Operation America, Europe, Asia and Africa
Auditors Deloitte
Tel. Number +86-21-5896-6996
Fax Number +86-21-5896-8415
Universal Scientific Industrial

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