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  •  04/26/2021

What is IoT, and why exactly we need the Industrial Internet of Things?

As far as the term "the Industrial Internet of Things" is concerned, it has become of utmost importance and is pervasive in the industry as digital transformation has become a business priority for most organizations that want to grow and thrive. So, what is the Industrial Internet of Things?

What is the Industrial Internet of Things?

Industrial Internet of Things refers to an industrial work structure wherein many devices such as interconnected sensors, instruments, and other devices are inter-connected and synchronized with computers' industrial applications for much-enhanced manufacturing and energy management. Thus, the Industrial Internet of Things stands for a network of devices, sensors, and pieces of machinery all inter-connected and to the internet to collect data, analyse and examine it to apply the same in improving industrial functions. 

The connectivity that industrial IoT provides allows data exchange, collection, and analysis, facilitating enhancement in efficiency and productivity, resulting in economic benefits. 

A few major Industrial Internet of Things applications or Industrial Internet of Things solutions

Improvement of Plant Safety
Anything that's part of IoT and its machinery can generate real-time data of the plant and the situation it's functioning in, which in turn boosts safety facility, employee motivation, and productivity, which in turn ensures avoidance of hazardous conditions or scenarios.

Remote and Automated Equipment Monitoring and Management
Automated equipment is one of the main Industrial Internet of Things applications that allows a centralized system to monitor and control all company processes. Remotely controlling equipment is possible via digital machines and software, which also makes it possible to control multiple plants located at various geographic locations. This entire process helps create and maintain an environment where decisions based on genuine information are made on a priority basis. 

Optimized supply chain
Most Industrial Internet of Things applications are aimed at achieving a higher efficiency which enables the ability to have real time-in-transit information regarding the status of the company's supply chain, which in turn enables to find out the opportunities for improvement and to pinpoint issues that hinders the process making the supply chain unprofitable or inefficient.

Anticipating maintenance
This application enables detection of maintenance of machinery or group of machinery before a problem occurs so that production using the same can be stopped immediately. This is one of the most useful applications as it works via sensors installed on the machines or other operating platforms once, which enables it to send alerts when certain risks show up. 

Quality control
Industrial Internet of Things applications can monitor the quality of manufactured goods at almost any stage irrespective of its being from raw materials used or the way it is transported to the end consumer.

Monitoring Inventory
Industrial IoT applications enable automated monitoring of the available inventory, ensuring that there are 0 to negligible deviations from the actual plan. It helps to maintain an efficient and constant workflow.

Industrial IoT security is backed up by cybersecurity as with each connecting device to the Industrial Internet of Things system, there could be more potential threats. 

Industrial Internet of Things automation is a thing as companies planning for Industrial automation can reap more benefits than ever. Industrial Internet of Things automation enhances new technologies to better solve problems and improve productivity and operations. 

Industrial Internet of Things in Automotive Industry or Industrial IoT in Automotive Industry – "The independent market research, "Automotive IoT Market by Platform-Global Forecast to 2025″ by GlobeNewswire predicts the automotive IoT market will grow at a CAGR of 16.4% from 2019 to 2025 and reach $541.73 billion by 2025." – as Contus said in a report.

Industrial IoT allows in the creation of advanced, innovative, and user-friendly solutions like Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) applications, Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS), predictive maintenance solutions, in-vehicle infotainment systems, navigation & telematics solutions, Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) applications, Vehicle to Everything (V2X) communication applications, etc. 

System on Module (SOM)
As far as product requirements are concerned, customers don't just want the updated design and want the development time to be short and crisp. At USI , our System on Module-SOM7225 is designed for Industrial Internet of Things adopted Qualcomm SM7225 chip, which is specially designed for industrial mobile devices. The module is also designed to meet the stringent environmental requirements of industrial system products and address the mobility needs of IoT devices for the transportation, warehousing, logistics and healthcare sector.

USI possesses decades of experience in the development of wireless communication solutions and system integration modules. Together with a recently completed 5G laboratory, customers can count on USI to provide efficient product design and manufacturing services for their industrial IoT devices.

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